Please enjoy reading our friends comments and visiting their home pages.
Fangu so much fur inviting me to da picnic. I just luff da rustic life and spent the whole day hunting buggies!! When I am old enough - which will be years and years and years - I will join the Older Cats Society and do nice things for da PurrieScouts too. Until then, keeps up da good work!Home or Favorite Web Page: Back Fence Cat Club
The picnic for the PurrScouts was so enjoyable. It's nice spending a relaxing day in the country. The PurrScouts is a wonderful organization for the little kitties. I wish there had been an organization like that when I was a young one wandering the alleys of Phoenix. Keep up the good work!!Home or Favorite Web Page: Back Fence Cat Club
I just got to the picnic and I'm having a great time! Thanks for inviting the Purr Scouts. Love, Purr Scout Corky
Thank mew for inviting us! Pinkie is a new memfur of the Older Cats, and Charlie, Annie and Mikey are all new at Purr Scouts. We hope to get to know kitties from our respective societies, and even to be Grandkitties and a GrandMeow! It's a wonderfur scheme.. and we had a wonderfur time at the picnic!
Cats, like wine and cheese, and mice, get better with age!Home or Favorite Web Page: Meet the Kitwins
Mew, Thank mew so much dear dear Grandfafur Jason. Mew are the furry bestest grand a kitt efur had. I love mewr jokes. I love seeing mew smile from eartip to eartip when I tell silly jokes too. And thank mew so furry much fur the yummy icecream sundae. MEW. I shared it with my brofurs and sisfurs. Everything was just perfect, and I had a perfectly wonderfur time. I hope I will always do things which will make mew proud of me. Hugs and kisses (wipes tears from eyes), Your Grand Purr, Sage Lucinda BugBug Milliken
PURRRRRRRs, everyone! I am so glad Shibui let me know that the picnic was going on so I could come and socialize with all my old friends. I had a wonderful time and the food was just EXCELLENT! I miss all of you at CLAW very much. Take care and many purrrs to all of you.
Came to visit my beautiful GrandKitty, Baby Bird. I enjoyed the food and the picnic! Thanks very much for inviting me.Home or Favorite Web Page: Sir Wally's CLAW Pages
What a lovely day! The OCS has really outdone itself in this wonderful day of tribute to the Purr Scouts. And oh, the food was terrific! Thank you for all of your hard work. It was certainly worth it. We will remember this day for a long long time to come. We city kitties really enjoy a day in the country, especially with the great kitties here! Thanks again.
I had lots of fun at the picnic, you should think about doing it again.
We are the luckiest grandkitties in the world! Our Grandmews are Ms. Kitty and Kiki Noel and even though Calli is not a grandmew she is so good to us too. We cannot begin to tell all the wonderful things about our Grandmews. It started when they started purring for Lil who had an eye infection. When our meowmie had surgery their meowmie helped her with lots of good advice. Our grandmews are always looking out for us. We luff them furry furry furry much. We thank every cat who helped to put this lufferly picnic togefur. We are such lucky kitties.
Meow!!! What a great picnic!!! Thanks so much to all the gradkitties - expecially Whiskers. =)
I just luved all the fud....but then I always luv fud....and it was so much fun had a great time!!!!Home or Favorite Web Page: CMillarCats Scratching Post
What a great picnic . I really enjoyed myself the food and company was great. Thank youHome or Favorite Web Page: Spooky's Home Page
Hi this is fun
Thank you GrandKitties for such a lovely picnic. I was so happy to see my very own GrandKitty Slofje Maessen again!! I have been working very hard in Purr Scouts, and hope she is proud of me! Purrs ...Home or Favorite Web Page: Nikita La Femme's Home Page
I have a wondurfur afurnoon at the picnic! My favorite picnic treat was the mice ice cream! Yummy! I had so fun reading the poem my grandmews write, and seeing the gift they got me!!! This was my favorite day in my life!Home or Favorite Web Page: Purr Babies Happy Habitat
Mmm! The food is YUMMY!!!!! I LUV PICNICS!!!Home or Favorite Web Page:
Thank mew OCS memfurs and Shibui! What a lovely surprise! As mew know, the Purr Scout Grankitty program is our most popular program, and it's all because of the sweet generous nature of all OCS memfurs! YOU make it wonderfur!
Home or Favorite Web Page: Purr Scouts Headquarters!
I hope you've all enjoyed our picnic! P.S., Nikita's #1 grandkitty. =^.^=
We love you Grandkitty Blackie! We will always be furriends.
Mew Mem, Blackie, Shibui.. and kitties... What a wunderfur picnic.. and the food was delicious...Our grandkits had a wunderfur time... Thanks fur having this fur us and the grandkits. Missy and Kiki Noel
On behalf of all Older Cats Society members, welcome to our country picnic for Purr Scouts!Home or Favorite Web Page: Scrappy's Nest