tiny flowers Arrangements by Kitties tiny flowers

Tucker B. Smith Garden Gate Shibui Crowley
Please come in and look at all the pretty flower arrangements on display! You may view individual entries and their awards full-size by left-clicking on the arrangements. A panel of judges concluded that every entry is a winner! Concatulations to all the participants!!!


entry #1-Untitled (1)entry #2-Garden Delightentry #3-Untitled (2)


entry #4-Tulipsentry #5-Butterfly Flowers


entry #6-Pagoda and Bambooentry #7-Flowers Under Glass


entry #8-Flowers on de Purrchentry #9-After the Milk is Gone


entry #10-Summer's Evening



1st Place
1st Place Ribbon #2: 



Garden Delight by Sam

After the Milk is Gone by Spike Brewer

Summer's Evening by Spike Brewer

2nd Place
2nd Place Ribbon #4: 




Tulips by Pupa Muma Aamose Grey Milliken

Butterfly Flowers by Ms Pinkie Gill

Pagoda and Bamboo by Peregrine Noel Milliken

Flowers Under Glass by Ms Pinkie Gill

3rd Place
3rd Place Ribbon #1: 



Untitled (1) by Gigi

Untitled (2) by Gigi

Flowers on the Porch by Bini Gosselin

Kitties' Choice

Flowers on de Purrch
by Bini Gosselin
Kitties Choice Award

Best of Show

After the Milk is Gone
by Spike Brewer
Best of Show


mushroom house
Thank you for dropping by!

OCS Memory Lane   Entry #1

Garden Fence

All flower arrangements belong to the kitties who created them.
Please do not copy without their purrmission.

~Background graphic by Sammy Brewer~

Cottage Gardens Graphics

Page designed by Shibui
© 2002 to present by Older Cats Society